Two New Prizes for Mardi Gras Raffle!
Two new prizes will be pulled on Mardi Gras with the Grand Prize sponsored by Blue Mantle Media. A Norwex basket and a Pikler Triangle. Get tickets to start winning!
DetailsTwo new prizes will be pulled on Mardi Gras with the Grand Prize sponsored by Blue Mantle Media. A Norwex basket and a Pikler Triangle. Get tickets to start winning!
DetailsWe welcome partners in the Mardi Gras Raffle for Hilltop Children’s House to support our programs. We have multiple levels to fit any budget, and all sponsorships are fully tax deductible.
DetailsMardi Gras Raffle for Hilltop Children’s House! Win multiple prizes, including cash, king cakes, and Mardi Gras-in-a-box, among other items in the Mardi Gras Raffle for Hilltop Children’s House! We’d promised to do our Mardi Gras in-person again this year, but alas, Omicron has forced us back online. Le sigh… But never fear! We’re working…
DetailsThis update is somewhat belated because the event happened many months ago. We have a mostly new board of trustees to help further the mission of affordable Montessori in Steubenville, Ohio! All bios are up on the site. Check out the new bios here. The seven members of the board include three returners: Rob Corzine,…