Tom’s AMI Elementary diploma arrived! A reason for a toast! Now both our Primary and Elementary guides are AMI diploma holders.
#montessorischool #montessorieducation #steubenville #hilltopchildrenshouse #steubenvilleohio #montessori #montessoriinsteubenville #Montessori #montessorielementary #montessoridiploma #amimontessori

Tomorrow begins the next session of the 240 Club. Join today for a little fun AND to support the work of Hilltop Montessori School. Dues are just $25! (Memberships also make great Christmas gifts 🎁)
#Montessori #hilltopmontessorischool #join #support

Join us for a night of fun and festivity at the Mardi Gras Gala, benefiting Hilltop Montessori School!
More details on the venue and time will follow soon.
#hilltopmontessorischool #mardigras #gala #fundraiser #savethedate

Come visit Santa and Mrs. Claus down at the Nutcracker Village’s Children’s Corner!
#nutcrackervillage #santaclaus #pictureswithsanta #childrenscorner #hilltopmontessorischool

Baking has been popular in our Primary classroom recently. Baking requires so many skills: reading the recipe, fractions for measuring, reading a clock so they could make the sure dough rose and baked correctly, concentration to complete the process, and so many other things.
These boys (ages 5 & 6) made these delicious pumpkin bread rolls that they shared with all their Primary friends for snack!
#hilltopmontessorischool #montessori #pumpkinbreadrolls #baking #montessorilearning

A student wanted to make a machine that would use flowing water to work a hammer. I asked him to draw it up, so he did. Then I asked him to gather the materials he would use, so he did. Then I said, "okay, go ahead and build it." He had some questions along the way, but I answered none of them directly — just a leading question here and there. Here is the first edition; I expect a larger version will follow, with more substantial parts. He wants it to be able to crush nuts. It`s a good start!
#hilltopmontessori #hilltopmontessorischool #montessori #montessorielementary #steubenvillemontessori #steubenville #steubenvilleohio #elementaryschool #Engineering #physics

Today in elementary… leaf stamping!
A little frottage involved also.
Mean time, one student preferred to work on operations with decimals.

Now is a great time to check out our Toddler class! We have rolling admission, so your child can start as soon as you’re ready to enroll.
#hilltopmontessorischool #montessori #montessoritoddler #enrollnow