HCH Builings Aerial View

An Elementary Program

We have some great news! Hilltop Children’s House will begin to offer an elementary program beginning this fall! Get the registration and details about costs, dates, and other information on our website »   Let’s take a look at how this unexpected and momentous day came about. When we started in 2018 we had no intention, nor…

Mr. Tom Reads a Book

Our Board of Trustees, Updated!

This update is somewhat belated because the event happened many months ago. We have a mostly new board of trustees to help further the mission of affordable Montessori in Steubenville, Ohio! All bios are up on the site. Check out the new bios here. The seven members of the board include three returners: Rob Corzine,…

Tom Gesturing in Video

Materials from Mardi Gras!

We raised just over $3,000 at our Mardi Gras Gala 2019, and we’re already planning for next year. (Mark your calendar for the second annual Mardi Gras Gala: February 22, 2020!) But here’s a little video to show all of our supporters some of the great materials their partnership has helped supply.