We have a new, beautiful, STURDY, stoop and stairs on the back of the building!
You may recall that when the Catholic Heart Work Camp group came in July we had them tear down the old stoop on the back of the building. It was rotting away and was just unsafe in a number of ways.
We had thought about having them help to build the replacement, but that quickly became impossible. Building code. Designs. Permits. Specialized parts. Deep holes and concrete footers.
So we worked with our friend David Mathews who took on the project, developed a plan that would suit our needs, meet code, and make the back yard easily accessible!
The materials were a bit more expensive than we had anticipated. But it’s worth it to do it right, and have a deck and stairs that will last for a long time.
If you’re looking for ways to help, we just found out that we have to get a our water line replaced from the main to our meter, we need to get the furnace serviced and the ducts repaired, and we’re working toward fencing in the backyard, with a retaining wall to maximize the space available for outdoor programs.
Can you support one of these acute needs quickly?
You can partner with us by making a large one-time donation, by becoming a monthly donor to provide the monthly lifeblood that keeps us going.
Or, if you’d like to visit with us personally and talk about what’s needed and what’s available, please join us for a very nice dinner at our place!