An Elementary Classroom Building Deal
Hilltop Children’s House has an opportunity to purchase the building next door for just $10,000. This building will enable us to expand our offerings to include an Elementary Classroom.
Hilltop Children’s House has an opportunity to purchase the building next door for just $10,000. This building will enable us to expand our offerings to include an Elementary Classroom.
Mardi Gras Raffle for Hilltop Children’s House! Win multiple prizes, including cash, king cakes, and Mardi Gras-in-a-box, among other items in the Mardi Gras Raffle for Hilltop Children’s House! We’d promised to do our Mardi Gras in-person again this year, but alas, Omicron has forced us back online. Le sigh… But never fear! We’re working…
hilltopmontessoristeub View Mar 6 Open Ohio residents! Did you know that you can give some of your tax dollars to scholarships for Hilltop Montessori School students? It`s easy! Just follow these 3 steps:1. Determine your Ohio State tax liability2. Make a donation at Claim your donation on your tax return and get your credit…
THANK YOU! Through the generosity and support of so many people we were able to raise the $3600 needed to pay for the emergency water line work! We are always humbled by the support so many people give, through prayer, sharing posts, and especially by contributing your hard earned money, to this project here in…
We took a moment midday today to record a quick video to thank everyone who contributed to our #GivingTuesday fundraiser. We have, at last glance, raised a little over $2,100 toward our goal of $3,400 to finance the emergency water line project. We are humbled by this support. … okay, I’ll stop typing. Just click…
Like last year, Facebook is matching the first $7,000,000 in donations made through their platform on #GivingTuesday. We only received $5 in matching donations last year, but hey! $5 is better than nothing! This year we’re looking to raise the $3,600 needed to pay for the emergency water line replacement last month. Can you support…
We have a new, beautiful, STURDY, stoop and stairs on the back of the building! You may recall that when the Catholic Heart Work Camp group came in July we had them tear down the old stoop on the back of the building. It was rotting away and was just unsafe in a number of…
We raised just over $3,000 at our Mardi Gras Gala 2019, and we’re already planning for next year. (Mark your calendar for the second annual Mardi Gras Gala: February 22, 2020!) But here’s a little video to show all of our supporters some of the great materials their partnership has helped supply.
The shelves we got from Crowe’s Cabinets are set up and ready for more materials! We arranged the shelving units to define some of the spaces, separated by age group and usage. Also we were able to pull out more of the materials we’ve received in donations. We’ve got lots of space still available as…
One of the key components of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium is a statue of Jesus the Good Shepherd. We had one on our wishlist. We got it today, from a beautiful soul. Tears. Here is the note which accompanied the statue in its package: It reads: I go to atrium in Cleveland.…