panorama of main space from door
panorama of main space toward doorMain space, from doorpanorama of main space from door

Hilltop Children’s House: The Before Pictures

A few pictures of the interior.  It’s an interesting space, but we think it will work well for our purposes with just a few minor modifications and upgrades. We’re working on plans and needs with a contractor and an architect, but if you’re inspired to support us fundraising at this date you can give here. We’ve…

Ohio Valley Title folder and key

We have a building!

Winter just refuses to let go of us as spring begins, but here’s a reason for happy thoughts about new beginnings: Noëlle and I went downtown today and closed on the building! THANK YOU to all of the incredibly generous people who made this day possible! Next up: work with contractors and architects to come…

Money for the Purchase Secured!

We did it! After just a month of fundraising we have the money to buy the building! Our closing date is set for next Tuesday, March 20, and we cannot wait to move on to the renovation phase. Special thanks to our matching gift donors who helped spur along some of the giving, to those…

Conditional Use Approved!

In order to use the building for the purpose we intend we needed to ask the city Planning and Zoning Commission to grant us a conditional use permit. It’s zoned “R2,” which is residential, with certain non-residential uses allowed including a church or a charitable and social use. We fit into that category. At tonight’s…

Wedding Rings

Unless the Lord Builds the House…

Nothing we are doing is possible without God’s help. When Noëlle and I were shopping for wedding bands we hadn’t given much thought to what we wanted inscribed on the interior of the rings. The question became prominent when my ring was going in to be stretched a little. We discussed a number of options…

In the Herald Star

Paul Giannamore of the Herald Star covers the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. After the meeting on Monday he popped over to ask Noëlle and me a few questions.  With the quibble that what we’re doing isn’t a school, the article is pretty good. A Montessori school for as many as 25 children ages 3-6…

The Front of the Building

1300 Maryland Avenue: The Exterior

It’s a snowy day here in Steubenville but with the Conditional Use Application accepted I figured now is a good time to post some pictures of the exterior of the building we’re pursuing. I’ll have to contact the realtor to get back inside to take those pictures. The building will require a bit of work:…

501(c)(3) Certified

A great day for the HCH! After many weeks of waiting we received today the “letter of determination” from the IRS certifying that the Hilltop Children’s House is, in fact, an Ohio non-profit corporation, and is a public charity (as opposed to a private foundation). This determination opens up many additional fundraising avenues to us,…

Conditional Use Permit Meeting

Big meeting on March 5 at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting! That’s where we make our case for the conditional use permit and the Commission will vote! Background: The building we are under contract to purchase, the current Christ’s Community Church building at 1300 Maryland Avenue, is zoned “R2,” which is residential, but our…