People ask us if there’s anything they can get for us.
Naturally, since we award so much in need-based tuition reduction, we’re always in need of financial support to cover our operating expenses. Anyone able to support this need can find their preferred way to give here.
But we also need a number of classroom materials to expand the educational opportunities for our children — particularly in our Elementary.
These materials come in a variety of price points. I’ve listed them roughly in order of priority. I’ve tried to explain what they help the children learn, and how they would advance the education beyond what we presently have in the classroom, to help make decisions.
If you purchase any of these for us, please let us know at [email protected] so we can update this page ASAP to prevent duplicate orders.
Our shipping address, if it is not automatically applied through the seller, is:
Hilltop Montessori School
117 S. Hollywood Blvd. #133
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
We thank you for your generosity! Your gift will help advance the education of needy children in Steubenville for years to come.
Amazon Wishlist
We have a wishlist on Amazon with a number of containers, pouches, books and other items that would be very helpful. Browse our Amazon Wishlist »
Specific Items
SOLD! Scientific Scale

This has been purchased for us. Thank you!
A quality balance scale will open up all manner of scientific exploration. $39.19 at Amazon »
SOLD! Decimal Fraction Exercise
This has been purchased for us. Thank you!
This material helps children do arithmetic with decimals down to millionths. On sale for $47.95 at Montessori Outlet »
Decimal Checkerboard
Helps children learn to, and understand, multiplication involving decimals. On Sale for $69.95 at Montessori Outlet »
SOLD! Magnet Set
These have been purchased. Thank you!
Magnets play a large role in imaginative scientific exploration at the Elementary level.
Trinomial Cube

A sensorial experience of the trinomial equation. In Elementary math it aids the students in understanding cubing and the trinomial equation. On Sale for $59.95 at Montessori Outlet »
SOLD! Green, Blue, and Red Beads
These have been purchased for us. Thank you!
Green, Blue, and Red beads are used to count units, tens, and hundreds ina number of works As children work into more advanced math works, loose beads take a larger role. They’re on sale at Montessori Outlet in Sets of 100 Each.
Arithmetic Trinomial Cube

The arithmetic trinomial cube helps children make the transition from the trinomial cube to working out cubes of numbers with the trinomial equation. On Sale at Montessori Outlet for $49.95 »