WOW! An incredible update!
Thanks to the assistance of Emily Stimpson Chapman, our Amazon and Montessori Services Wishlists were emptied by lunchtime today! Incredible! We are so humbled by the generosity of so, so many people.
For those who still wish to help us outfit our classrooms, we included the original items from Nienhuis, plus a few more that we hadn’t imagined it possible to get this year, along with a few additional items from Amazon and elsewhere, to a list, available here »
If you need our shipping and mailing address, it is:
Hilltop Montessori School
117 S. Hollywood Blvd. #133
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Just three weeks until Hilltop Montessori School begins our new school year!
As we gear up for our seventh year of Primary, third year of Elementary, and FIRST year of Toddler, we have wishlists for our various programs.
These wishlists come through three different vendors — Neinhuis, Montessori Services, and Amazon — based on which has the best version of the item at a reliable quality and with a predictable delivery schedule.
The total amount for the Wishlists presented here is roughly $14,000. This represents a large portion of what we need to get Toddler up and running, continue to furnish our Elementary program, and replace items that have been well-used over the years in Primary. But it is not all we will need for Materials this year.
We will need to replenish our supply of consumables like paper, art supplies, notebooks and sketch pads, glue, polish, soaps, plants, baking supplies, and more. And then, of course, some things break — Montessori embraces friendliness with error — so we will need to replace those items, whatever they are, over the course of the year.
Whether you purchase items directly from these lists and send them to us, or make a donation for our Materials fund, your gift is fully tax deductible and you will receive a letter from us for tax purposes.
Shipping Information
If you order from either Montessori Services or Nienhuis, please have the item(s) shipped to:
Hilltop Montessori School
117 S. Hollywood Blvd. #133
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
If you order from our Amazon Wishlist the item will be shipped to us automatically.
Amazon Wishlist

Most of our Toddler Program needs are within this Amazon Wishlist. You also will find many books and other resources that are needed for Elementary and Primary. These also will be very helpful to our upper level programming but the Toddler materials are essential.
The total amount for Toddler items is roughly $1,000.
If you purchase from here Amazon will automatically send the item to us.
Montessori Services Wishlist

Montessori Services has some items that are necessary for our Primary Program and they just aren’t available elsewhere. The total amount for this Wishlist is about $700.
Nienhuis Wishlist
Neinhuis is one of the oldest and most reliable producers of Montessori materials. We prefer to purchase from them because of consistent quality and predictable delivery.
We have items at various prices from about $1 up to over $1,000, with items at various price points in between. Below are 50 of the items we desire from Nienhuis. The total amount for all desired items from Nienhuis is roughly $11,500.
Neinhuis doesn’t have a wishlist function, so we built this list in
Some of the items on our Niehuis list