Ohio residents! Did you know that you can give some of your tax dollars to scholarships for Hilltop Montessori School students? It`s easy! Just follow these 3 steps:
1. Determine your Ohio State tax liability
2. Make a donation at https://app.ocen.org/schools/14926/landing
3. Claim your donation on your tax return and get your credit whether you are getting a return or making a payment
Easy peasy as the children say!
Questions? Ask us!
#Montessori #hilltopmontessori #steubenvillemontessori #hilltopmontessorischool #SteubenvilleOhio #scholarships

Now accepting applications and enrollments for 2025-2026. Come see what Montessori in Steubenville is all about!

She wasn’t able to read at all when she joined us last year. This year she stops what she’s doing to help when she sees another brand new student struggling to read.
This is why this style of classroom is so powerful.

Tom’s AMI Elementary diploma arrived! A reason for a toast! Now both our Primary and Elementary guides are AMI diploma holders.
#montessorischool #montessorieducation #steubenville #hilltopchildrenshouse #steubenvilleohio #montessori #montessoriinsteubenville #Montessori #montessorielementary #montessoridiploma #amimontessori

Tomorrow begins the next session of the 240 Club. Join today for a little fun AND to support the work of Hilltop Montessori School. Dues are just $25! (Memberships also make great Christmas gifts 🎁)
#Montessori #hilltopmontessorischool #join #support

Join us for a night of fun and festivity at the Mardi Gras Gala, benefiting Hilltop Montessori School!
More details on the venue and time will follow soon.
#hilltopmontessorischool #mardigras #gala #fundraiser #savethedate

Come visit Santa and Mrs. Claus down at the Nutcracker Village’s Children’s Corner!
#nutcrackervillage #santaclaus #pictureswithsanta #childrenscorner #hilltopmontessorischool

Baking has been popular in our Primary classroom recently. Baking requires so many skills: reading the recipe, fractions for measuring, reading a clock so they could make the sure dough rose and baked correctly, concentration to complete the process, and so many other things.
These boys (ages 5 & 6) made these delicious pumpkin bread rolls that they shared with all their Primary friends for snack!
#hilltopmontessorischool #montessori #pumpkinbreadrolls #baking #montessorilearning